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SMS And Loyalty Programs: Marketing Strategies to up Shopify Sales

The e-commerce boom in the new age of internet has changed the landscape of marketing. Shopify has eased the process of selling on internet. However, a business is not just about selling and purchasing. A lot of effort is invested into selling a product. This calls for marketing strategies. Though in use since ages, change […]

September 22, 2022
Work space for market strategy

Photo courtesy: Campaign Creators (Unsplash)

The e-commerce boom in the new age of internet has changed the landscape of marketing. Shopify has eased the process of selling on internet. However, a business is not just about selling and purchasing. A lot of effort is invested into selling a product. This calls for marketing strategies. Though in use since ages, change in time calls for a change in marketing strategies as well.

An effective marketing strategy can significantly impact the sales and revenue growth of a company. According to, companies with proper marketing strategies generate over 400 percent more success than those with no strategy to promote themselves. In this article, we will talk about two important tools that Shopify merchants can use to boost their sales – promotional SMS and loyalty programs.


SMS marketing is one of the undervalued communication tools. It is easily available and beneficial to every Shopify merchant. As per, just over 10 percent of businesses promote via text messages and interestingly, most of the customers prefer receiving text messages instead of emails. Where emails get ignored, most of the shoppers tend to click on every single promotional message sent by the companies. This increases the chance of generating more engagement than email marketing.


Text messages can be labelled as the most direct medium of communication with the target audience. Shopify merchants can use text messages to notify customers of discounts, sales, order confirmations, product giveaways, shipping updates and customer support messages among others. This can also be used to target specific customers with personalised promotional offers.

Loyalty Programs

Creating loyalty programs for customers is another effective promotional strategy that can be used by Shopify store owners. This will help in creating a solid base of satisfied customers who will keep on returning to the store for future purchases. Loyalty programs is a cost-effective strategy for retaining your old customers.

In order to create successful loyalty programs, merchants need to decide what valuable they are going to provide to their customers, for example discounts during specific sales, limited edition access and referral points among others.


Loyalty program should be easy for people to join and reap benefits. It should be even available to customer who hasn’t made any purchase yet because it can get them back to buy from the store later. Various types of rewards can also be included in the loyalty programs to encourage customers.

Shopify merchants should not just focus on giving points and discounts but also free shipping and free products among others. Businesses can also get a survey done to know what kind of reward a customer expect from the store.

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