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Designing Email Marketing Templates: How To Create High-Converting Copy in 60 Minutes

One of the most efficient and effective ways to generate more leads and conversions is through Email Marketing, particularly for Shopify stores. Email marketing allows you to reach out to existing customers with exclusive offers, promotions, discounts, new products, and more. However, Email Marketing can be a daunting task: it requires careful planning and execution […]

December 04, 2022
An image saying how to write high converting email marketing copy for shopify store

One of the most efficient and effective ways to generate more leads and conversions is through Email Marketing, particularly for Shopify stores. Email marketing allows you to reach out to existing customers with exclusive offers, promotions, discounts, new products, and more.

However, Email Marketing can be a daunting task: it requires careful planning and execution in order to be successful. {Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with our detailed email marketing guide.} Creating Email Marketing Templates and Copy is one of the most important steps in Email Marketing; they need to be attractive, engaging, and informative if you want customers to click through and convert.

So how can you create high-converting email copy for your Shopify store? We have compiled a list of best practices, strategies, and tools to get you off the ground. If you’re ready to take your Shopify email marketing to the next level, scroll down.

1. Know your audience

The key to a successful Email Marketing Campaign is understanding who you are targeting. Make sure that you have done your research: identify their demographics (age, gender, location etc.), interests, and behavior patterns when it comes to Email Marketing. By doing so, you will be able to better tailor your Email Copy to their needs and preferences.

For example, if you’re writing an email copy for a customer who is a female, a serial shopper, and loves discounts, you’ll want to make sure that the content reflects those interests.

2. Create a compelling Email Subject Line

The Email Subject line is often overlooked but it’s one of the most important aspects of Email Marketing; It needs to be captivating and relevant in order to entice customers to click-through to your Email Copy.

Keep it short and sweet, add a sense of urgency and create intrigue. For example:

  • “It’s your last chance to grab your 50% off discount code!”
  • “You won’t believe what’s waiting for you”
  • “We don’t want YOU to miss out!”

But. But. At the same time, you don’t want to land in a spam box.  Make sure to avoid spam triggers like using all caps, using too many exclamation marks and words like “free” or “guarantee”. You can use Email Subject Line Generator like the one provided by ActiveCampaign to create high-converting subject lines. It’s FREE to use!

3. Less is MORE in email marketing

When it comes to Email Copy, less is more. Get to the point quickly and don’t be afraid of white space; it helps customers focus on what’s important. Keep it concise and make sure only to include content that is relevant to the Email’s purpose.

You can also use visuals such as images, gifs or videos to break up text and draw customers in. They should be used sparingly; they should supplement your Email Copy but not overpower it.

4. Employ a Call-To-Action

A CTA is one of the most important elements of Email Marketing. Make sure to include a clear and concise CTA in your Email Copy so customers know what you want them to do. Examples could be: “Shop Now”, “Subscribe”, or “Get Your Code”. Don’t forget to link the CTA to the relevant page or product.

5. Design Email Marketing Templates that grab eyeballs

Creating Email Templates with a professional look is essential; they should be easy to read, and mobile-friendly.

There are many Email Template Design Services available online; some are free and some have a fee. If you don’t have the budget for a designer, there are plenty of Email Template Builders that you can use to create Email Templates with little effort.

6. Email Automation and Testing

Once you have designed your Email template, it’s important to automate it if you want to save time and energy. There are plenty of Email Marketing tools that can help you do this such as MailChimp, Aweber etc.

It’s also important to test Email Copy; try A/B testing different Email Subject lines, Email body copy and CTAs in order to understand what works best for your customer base. 

By using Email Automation and testing Email Copy, you can easily track Email performance and make improvements as needed.

7. Make Use of Preview Text

The Email Preview Text is the first line of Email Copy that customers see when they receive Emails. It should be concise, engaging and above all, relevant to what follows in the Email Copy.

Remember that customers have high expectations for Email Marketing; make sure your Email Preview Text meets them and entices them to open your Email. It’s under 140 characters, but when used right, it can be powerful.

8. Stay away from salesy tactics

Last but not least, Email Marketing should be about engaging with customers and adding value to their experience. Don’t use hard sell tactics; focus on building relationships, providing helpful content and offering incentives.

It’s also important to stay away from an aggressive language such as “buy now” or “hurry” etc., as it can be off-putting to customers.

Creating Email Marketing Campaigns for a Shopify store is an effective way to drive sales and customer loyalty, as long as you keep these tips in mind. Don’t forget to have fun with it; the Email Copy should be creative and engaging, so let your imagination run wild!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us; we’re here to help!  Happy Emailing!

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