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Email Marketing for Shopify Store: The Only Guide You Need

Are you looking to start generating leads and sales using email marketing for Shopify Store? If so, you’re in the right place! In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about email marketing for Shopify store owners. We’ll cover everything from setting up your first campaign to tracking results and improving your […]

November 25, 2022
email marketing for shopify store

Are you looking to start generating leads and sales using email marketing for Shopify Store? If so, you’re in the right place! In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about email marketing for Shopify store owners. We’ll cover everything from setting up your first campaign to tracking results and improving your conversions. By the end of this guide, you’ll be armed with all the knowledge you need to start seeing real results from your email marketing campaigns!

But. But. But. Before we jump right into the Email Marketing for Shopify Store guide, let’s take a step back and quickly answer some frequently asked questions. Email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing channels available, with a return on investment (ROI) of 38%!

But what exactly Email Marketing is?

Email marketing is the process of sending Emails to a list of subscribers in order to promote a product or service. Email marketing can be used to build relationships with potential and current customers, to promote new products or services, or to simply stay in touch with past customers. Sounds simple, isn’t it? Actually, it IS simple if you get your basics right. That’s why we’ve decided to put up this Email Marketing for Shopify Store guide to help store owners like you get started with Email Marketing.

Why Email Marketing?

You’re reading this guide which means you’re already interested in Email Marketing. But let us give you some more reasons why Email Marketing can be beneficial for your Shopify Store:

  • Helps you stay in touch with your customers.
  • Email Marketing is cost-effective.
  • It’s Measurable.
  • Helps you build relationships with your customers.
  • Email Marketing is easy to get started with and scale as your business grows.

In our previous blog post on Shopify Email Marketing: How to get started in 5 simple steps, we’ve given an overview of why email marketing is important and how you can get started. However, in this guide, we’ll dive deeper into Email Marketing for Shopify Stores and discuss some more advanced topics such as designing Email Templates, Automation and measuring Email Marketing ROI.

Designing Email Templates: Understanding the Basics

Your Email Template is the first thing your subscribers will see when they receive your Email. That’s why it’s important to spend some time designing an Email Template that is not only visually appealing but also conveys the message you’re trying to send.

When designing Email Templates, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Use a responsive Email Template.
  • Keep your Email Template simple and clutter-free.
  • Use images and videos sparingly.
  • Include a call-to-action (CTA) in your Email Template.
  • Use personalization in your Email Template.

You can use different types of email templates some of which are:

  • Plain text email templates
  • HTML email templates
  • Interactive email templates

Let’s decode them one by one.

Plain Text Email Templates

Plain text email templates are the simplest form of Email Templates. They typically consist of just text and no images or other multimedia. Plain text Email Templates are easy to create and are great for Email Newsletters or simple announcements. Plus Point: they supersede the spam filters on many email clients like Gmail and Outlook. And also, there are people who still prefer plain text emails over HTML emails.

The only drawback? It lacks the oomph factor of an HTML email template since it doesn’t have any multimedia elements in it.

HTML Email Templates

HTML Email Templates are Email Templates that use HTML code to format the Email content. This allows for a more visually appealing Email Template with images, videos, and other multimedia elements. Plus Point: You have complete control over the design of your Email Template and can make it look exactly the way you want.

The only drawback? HTML Email Templates can be more difficult to create than plain text Email Templates.

Interactive Email Templates

Interactive Email Templates are Email Templates that use HTML and CSS code to create Email Templates that are interactive. That means they can include features like carousels, accordions, and other elements that encourage subscribers to interact with your Email.

The only drawback? Interactive Email Templates can be more difficult to create than plain text or HTML Email Templates.

Plain Text Emails vs. HTML Emails vs. Interactive Emails: How to choose?

Hmm. A difficult choice.

The Email Template you choose will depend on the type of Email you’re sending and your Email Marketing goals.

If you’re just starting out with Email Marketing or sending a simple Email Newsletter, a plain text Email Template is a great choice. It’ll dodge the spam filters, and it’ll have higher open rates, but you’ll have to rely on a very highly creative and engaging copy to get your email to weave its magic on the readers.

Ready-made Templates of Custom Templates: What Should You Choose?

If you’ve already subscribed for an Email Service Provider for your email marketing campaigns, you must’ve seen an array of ready-made templates to choose from. Email Service Providers like Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Constant Contact offer a wide variety of Email Templates that you can use for your Email Marketing campaigns.

The main advantage of using a ready-made Email Template is that it’s quick and easy. You don’t need to spend any time designing or coding the Email Template. Just choose a template, insert your Email content, and hit send.

The main disadvantage of using a ready-made Email Template is that you’re not the only one using it. Since Email Service Providers make their Email Templates available to all their customers, there’s a good chance that many other businesses are using the same Email Template as you. So if you’re looking to stand out from the crowd, using a custom Email Template is a better choice.

Creating a Custom Email Template

Creating a custom Email Template takes more time and effort than using a ready-made Email Template. But the results are worth it. A custom Email Template will help you stand out from the competition and give your Email Marketing campaigns a boost.

The first step is to decide on the Email Template design. You can either create the Email Template yourself or hire a designer to do it for you.

If you’re creating the Email Template yourself, you’ll need to have some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. Email Service Providers like Mailchimp and HubSpot offer Email Template builders that allow you to create Email Templates without having to write any code.

Once you’ve designed the Email Template, the next step is to code it. This is where things can get a bit tricky. If you’re not comfortable coding, you can hire a developer to do it for you.

Once the Email Template is coded, the next step is to upload it to your Email Service Provider and start using it for your Email Marketing campaigns.

Types of Email Campaigns & Their Purpose

Now that you know the basics of Email Templates, it’s time to learn about the different types of Email Campaigns and their purpose.

The 5 most common types of Email Campaigns are:

1. Email Newsletters

An Email Newsletter is a type of Email Campaign that’s used to keep subscribers up-to-date on the latest news, products, and services from a company. Email Newsletters are usually sent on a weekly or monthly basis.

2. Promotional Emails

A Promotional Email is a type of Email Campaign that’s used to promote a sale, product, or service. Promotional Emails are usually sent to a company’s Email list when there’s a special offer or promotion that subscribers would be interested in.

3. Transactional Emails

A Transactional Email is a type of Email Campaign that’s used to send triggered Email messages. Transactional Emails are usually sent after a customer takes a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

4. Email Course

An Email Course is a type of Email Campaign that’s used to deliver a series of Email messages on a specific topic. Email Courses are usually delivered over a period of time, such as 7 days or 30 days.

5. Customer Retention Email

A Customer Retention Email is a type of Email Campaign that’s used to keep customers engaged with a company after they’ve made a purchase. Customer Retention Emails are usually sent on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly.

Some Cool Websites to Find Email Templates

Email Monks



BEE Free

Email on Acid



Writing a Perfect Email Copy

Now that you know the basics of Email Templates and Email Campaigns, it’s time to learn about writing a perfect Email copy.

The email copy is the body of your email message. It’s what subscribers will see when they open your Email. And it’s what will persuade them to take action.

So how do you write a perfect Email copy?

Here are some tips:

1. Keep it short and to the point

The average person’s attention span is only 8 seconds. So it’s important to keep your Email copy short and to the point. The best way to do this is to focus on one specific message and make sure all of your Email copy supports that message.

2. Use a clear and concise subject line

Your Email’s subject line is one of the most important elements of your Email copy. It’s what will persuade subscribers to open your Email in the first place. So it’s important to use a clear and concise subject line that’s relevant to your Email’s content.

3. Write in a conversational tone

Your Email copy should sound like you’re talking to a friend. It should be natural, not stiff or formal. The best way to do this is to write in the first person and use simple language that’s easy to understand.

4. Use images and videos

Images and videos are a great way to break up your Email copy and make it more visually appealing. They also help to explain complex concepts and make your Email more engaging.

5. Include a call-to-action

Every Email should have a call-to-action (CTA). A CTA is a statement or question that encourages subscribers to take a specific action, such as clicking a link or visiting a website.

Your Email’s CTA should be clear, concise, and relevant to your Email’s content. It should also be placed prominently in your Email so that subscribers can’t miss it.

6. Use persuasive language

Persuasive language is a language that’s designed to convince someone to do something. Some examples of persuasive language include words and phrases like “you deserve” and “act now.”

When used correctly, persuasive language can be very effective in the Email copy. But it should be used sparingly, as too much persuasive language can come across as pushy or sales-y.

7. Test, test, test

The best way to improve your Email copy is to test it. Send out different versions of your Email to different groups of people and see which version performs the best. Then, use what you’ve learned from your tests to improve your Email copy.

Email copy is an important element of any Email Campaign. By following these tips, you can write Email copy that’s designed to engage and convert subscribers.

Personalization in Email Marketing for Shopify

Personalization is key when it comes to Email Marketing, especially if you want to make sure your Emails stand out in a subscriber’s inbox.

There are a few different ways you can personalize your Email Marketing for Shopify Email addresses.

1. Use the subscriber’s first name

Using the subscriber’s first name is one of the simplest and most effective ways to personalize your Email copy. When you use a person’s first name, they feel like you’re talking directly to them, which can help to build rapport and trust.

2. Use the subscriber’s location

You can also use the subscriber’s location to personalize your Email copy. For example, if you know a subscriber is from New York, you could mention something about the city in your Email.

3. Use the subscriber’s purchase history

If you have a record of what a subscriber has purchased from your store in the past, you can use that information to personalize your Email copy. For example, if someone has purchased a dress from your store, you could send them an Email about a new dress that’s just arrived.

4. Use the subscriber’s browsing history

You can also use the subscriber’s browsing history to personalize your Email copy. For example, if you know a subscriber has been looking at dresses on your website, you could send them an Email about a new dress that’s just arrived.

5. Use the subscriber’s wishlist

If you have a record of what items a subscriber has added to their wishlist, you can use that information to personalize your Email copy. For example, if someone has added a dress to their wishlist, you could send them an Email about a new dress that’s just arrived.

Personalization can help to make your Email copy more relevant and engaging. By using the subscriber’s first name, location, purchase history, browsing history, or wishlist, you can create Email copy that’s designed specifically for them.

How to Use Shopify Email Templates

If you’re not sure where to start with your Email copy, or if you’re short on time, you can use a Shopify Email template. Shopify Email templates are pre-designed Email layouts that you can customize to match your brand. They come with placeholder text and images so that you can easily add your own content.

Shopify Email templates are a great way to get started with Email Marketing for Shopify. They can help you save time and create Emails that look professional and polished.

To find Shopify Email templates, go to your Shopify admin and click on “Email.” From there, you’ll be able to browse through the available templates and select the one that you want to use.

When you find a template that you like, click on “Customize” to start adding your own content. Once you’re happy with your Email, click on “Send Test Email” to send a test Email to yourself.

The Bottom Line

Email Marketing for Shopify can be a great way to generate leads and sales for your store. By personalizing your Email copy and using Shopify Email templates, you can create Emails that are designed to engage and convert subscribers. With a little practice, you’ll be able to write Email copy that’s both effective and efficient.

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