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7 Ways to Leverage Shopify Blog Strategy to Sell Better

It’s one thing to get your business up and running on Shopify, but another thing to market it REALLY well. You’ll be surprised to know that majority of Shopify business owners don’t deploy a well-thought-out Shopify Blog Strategy to sell their business and create thought leadership among their target audience. That’s why it’s always said; […]

October 16, 2022
Shopify blog strategy

It’s one thing to get your business up and running on Shopify, but another thing to market it REALLY well. You’ll be surprised to know that majority of Shopify business owners don’t deploy a well-thought-out Shopify Blog Strategy to sell their business and create thought leadership among their target audience.

That’s why it’s always said; great businesses are not built by chance but by strategy, consistency, and smart work (I won’t say hard work here!).

Shopify Blogs are one of the most powerful marketing tools if used correctly. Creating and maintaining a blog on your Shopify store can attract new visitors, convert them into leads, and close them as customers.

Not only that, but a good blog will also help you build trust and credibility with your target audience, which is essential for any business

As a business owner, you know that keeping your blog up to date is important for driving positive revenue growth. But maybe you’re not sure how to go about it. This post will share our top strategy for creating blog posts that engage and excite your readers. So let’s get started!

Identify your target audience’s pain points and unresolved queries.

The first step is to understand what your target audience is struggling with. Only then can you create content that addresses their specific needs.

There are a few ways to go about this. You can start by conducting customer surveys and interviews. Alternatively, you can use Google Analytics to see which topics generate the most traffic and engagement on your site. Another useful method is social listening. Go on platforms like Reddit and Quora, follow communities where most of your target hang out, and find out what they are looking for.

Once you’ve identified a few potential topics, it’s time to do some keyword research. This will help you understand how people are searching for information related to your topic. Use tools like Google Adwords Keyword Planner and to find relevant keywords. Next step: Start writing.

Create Shopify blog posts that answer those queries

Now that you know what your target audience is looking for, it’s time to start writing blog posts that answer their queries.

Remember, your goal is not only to rank high on Google but also to provide value and help your readers solve their problems. So make sure to include relevant keywords in your title and throughout the body of your blog post. But don’t go overboard with it. Google’s algorithms are getting smarter and can penalize you for keyword stuffing.

Your blog posts should also be well-researched and well-written. If you’re not a great writer, hire someone who is. It’s worth the investment. If you’re writing a blog post, make sure that you always keep the target audience’s interest at the heart of it.

Use internal linking to strengthen your blog layout.

When it comes to SEO, most people focus on external linking. But what about internal linking?
Internal links are just as important for two reasons:

  • They help users navigate your site more easily.
  • They help search engines understand your site’s architecture and crawl it more effectively.

So what’s the best way to go about it?

When you’re writing a Shopify blog post, always look for opportunities to link to other relevant articles on your site. For instance, if you’re writing about Shopify themes, you can link to a post about the best Shopify themes for small businesses.

Not only will this help your readers, but it will also give your SEO a boost.

Try to add value to your readers than just promoting your product.

A lot of businesses make the mistake of using their Shopify blog solely to promote their products. But if you’re doing this, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your readers and build trust. No one is interested in knowing what you do and how good you’re at it. They want to know how your products/services can change their life for good.

Your blog should be about more than just selling. It should be a place where you share your knowledge, insights, and expertise. It should be a place where you connect with your readers on a deeper level.

Use a proper image-to-text ratio to keep your readers hooked.

Now you know that you need to publish Shopify blog posts regularly, you know what to write but you end up writing a text-heavy article that is an eye-sore. Now what?

Your blog posts need to be visually appealing. People are visual creatures and will lose interest quickly if they’re just looking at a wall of text.

So how do you make your blog posts more visually appealing?

The answer is simple: Add images.

In fact, posts with images get 94% more views than those without. But that’s not all.

The right images can also help you convey your message more effectively and connect with your readers on an emotional level. So make sure to add relevant, high-quality images to your blog posts. And if you can, try to use infographics as well. They’re extremely shareable and can help you drive even more traffic to your site.

As a general rule of thumb, use an image after every 75-100 words in your blog post.

Get expert quotes for your blog posts.

If you want to add more credibility and authority to your Shopify blog posts, one of the best things you can do is to get expert quotes.

For instance, if you’re writing a blog post about the best Shopify themes, you can reach out to a few experts in the field and ask them to share their thoughts.

Not only will this make your blog post more credible, but it will also help you build relationships with industry leaders. If you’re having a tough time getting experts on board to give their two cents about your blog posts as a new business owner, there’s another way to do this.

You can find research, blog posts, and studies from which you can source your quote. Quoting credible sources and adding references can also help build your blog post’s credibility.

Stick to the brand voice. Try using humor.

When you’re writing Shopify blog posts, it’s important to stay true to your brand’s voice.

Your blog is one of the best places to show off your brand’s personality. So make sure that the tone and style of your blog posts reflect what your brand is all about. One of the safest and most effective ways to do this is by using humor.

Humor is a great way to connect with your readers and make your brand more relatable. But before you start cracking jokes left and right, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First, not everyone appreciates the same type of humor. What might be funny to you, might not be funny to someone else. Second, what’s considered appropriate humor also differs from culture to culture. So if you’re targeting an international audience, make sure your jokes are well-received.

Keeping these things in mind will help you use humor without offending anyone or jeopardizing your brand image.

There you have it! These are the seven essential tips you need to keep in mind to write Shopify blog posts that will help you drive traffic, build relationships, and grow your business.

So what are you waiting for? Get started writing!

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