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5 Ways In Which Shopify Is Different From Amazon

With the increasing number of online shoppers every year, it is safe to say that more and more people wish to set up their online stores. Though there are several eCommerce platforms available online, there are two competing ones that are most popular nowadays. Shopify and Amazon are the two dominant players in the market […]

December 31, 2022

With the increasing number of online shoppers every year, it is safe to say that more and more people wish to set up their online stores. Though there are several eCommerce platforms available online, there are two competing ones that are most popular nowadays.

Shopify and Amazon are the two dominant players in the market of eCommerce websites that allow business owners to set up shops. Though the primary objective of both brands is the same: selling products online, there are some significant differences in the way that objective is achieved. This article highlights the difference between the two leading e-commerce websites: Amazon and Shopify and which one’s best for you.

Here are 5 ways in which Shopify differs from Amazon:

1. Marketing Strategies


While Shopify offers a platform to build one’s own website, Amazon provides the same platform to all merchants to display their products. Given how different the portrayal of products on the two platforms is, the marketing techniques are bound to differ. While Amazon offers the option to run ads on your products, Shopify doesn’t offer such an option.

Though it isn’t possible to run ads on Shopify, Shopify accounts can be linked to social media and thereby opening a wide era of opportunities for the merchant to market their products. One can run ads on Instagram, Facebook, etc. or could also use other marketing strategies to promote their products on social media.

2. Competition among merchants

One might say that it’s a lot harder to compete on Amazon in comparison to Shopify. While Shopify offers a merchant the option to build their own website and theme according to their choice and preferences, Amazon has the same theme for all merchants.

Moreover, on Amazon, all products are listed together making it very easy for the customer to choose one over the other. On the other hand, on Shopify, a customer lands on a merchant’s page because that’s what they want to buy, not to compare with other merchants.

3. Delivery 


There is no doubt that delivery on Amazon is faster than on any other eCommerce website. Given the size and structure of the company, it is hard for any other brand to compete with the speed of delivery and returns that Amazon offers. Shopify has recently collaborated with some brands to make their delivery and returns easier and faster.

A good and fast delivery system ensures the retention of customers. A huge network of warehouses and delivery partners that Amazon has ensures one-day delivery that no other eCommerce website has been able to promise so far. 

4. Storefront


One of the primary differences between Amazon and Shopify is that while Shopify offers a large variety of templates to choose from to build your own storefront, Amazon doesn’t offer any such option. Amazon is more or less a storefront in itself that carries products of different brands and entrepreneurs. The only option with the merchant on Amazon is to upload pictures of the product, the price and its description.

Moreover, the price and description will be displayed alongside similar products from other merchants which makes it harder for the merchant to sell due to severe competition. For brands that want to build an identity among customers, Shopify is the right choice because it gives you the option to have a unique identity on the internet. 

5. Objective

Though Amazon and Shopify are both eCommerce websites, the purposes that they serve is entirely different. While the primary purpose may be of allowing merchants to sell their products, the paths taken by the two brands are completely different.

Shopify is a platform that allows you to set up a shop in isolation from any other Shopify user, giving you an opportunity to build an identity and share with your customers your objectives, your story, your products and your vision. On the other hand, Amazon is only about selling products.

All Amazon allows you to do is upload your products’ photos and their descriptions and sell them. Shopify, however, offers you the platform to spread your name and gain loyal customers who know you and your product both.

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